Tools & Technology, Teaching Methods Chris Burnage Tools & Technology, Teaching Methods Chris Burnage

Turning COVID-19 into a data visualization exercise for your students

We will emerge from this pandemic with a better understanding of the world and an improved ability to teach others about it. For now, we need to be continuously analyzing the data and thinking about the lessons we can learn and apply. Here’s how you can join in!

At SAGE, we have been working with academics around improving and sharing teaching resources, especially for quantitative and computational methods in social sciences. Besides the mass remote and emergency teaching experiment happening right now, one of the positive things we can already identify and reuse to improve learning in methods courses is the glut of data visualizations. The absolute advantage here is that all these visualizations are produced (almost always) with the same raw input, telling a variety of different stories. What better way to explain the different uses and impact of visualizations and the use of different tools to students than examples based on the same data?

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Skills, Teaching Methods, Tools & Technology Chris Burnage Skills, Teaching Methods, Tools & Technology Chris Burnage

How to get a DOI for your teaching materials with Zenodo

Academics face various pressures, from research teaching and administrative duties. The best way to create a positive culture in academia is to share. However, it may sometimes feel like there is no incentive to share teaching materials, if I have spent so many hours developing this work, why should I just hand it over to someone, “what’s in it for me?”

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Credit where credit is due: The startups, products and organizations giving academics credit for more of their work

It’s all about incentives. The current academic ecosystem incentivises publication in high impact factor journals and grant capture above all else, but there is more to being an academic than producing journal articles and winning grants. Luckily there are an increasing number of initiatives that are helping academics get credit for more of the work they do and increase their broader impact. This post rounds up some of the most interesting efforts.

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Methods Innovation, Teaching Methods Chris Burnage Methods Innovation, Teaching Methods Chris Burnage

It’s good to share! Encouraging the sharing, reuse, and citation of teaching materials in computational social science

The beginning of term is nearing. You’re teaching a new module on Computational Social Science (CSS). The field is developing rapidly and so are best practices around teaching the theory, methods and techniques to students.

Where do you start when you’re putting together your teaching materials? Do you visit the websites and blogs of academics who are experienced in teaching CSS to look for resources? Do you search online for syllabi, reading lists and tutorials? Maybe you scour YouTube for videos to include in your slides?

Together with a group of UK academics, the SAGE Ocean team have been digging into where academics go to find teaching materials and what the barriers are for academics who want to share, reuse and give and get credit for the materials they produce for teaching. This post includes thoughts from the group on what’s needed to promote a stronger culture of sharing teaching materials in CSS. And we’ve curated a list of our favorite resources for you too!

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